C.O.I.M. S.p.A. awarded the Ecovadis gold medal

C.O.I.M. S.p.A. awarded the Ecovadis gold medal

The acknowledgement of the company’s main facility in Offanengo, places C.O.I.M. S.p.A in the top 3% of the approximately 90,000 companies in the chemical industry assessed globally by the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings

 C.O.I.M. S.p.A., an Italian multinational that has manufactured chemical products since 1962 and that operates all over the world through nineteen manufacturing and trading companies, has been awarded, for the second consecutive year, the Ecovadis gold medal for sustainability for its main facility in Offanengo, rated in the top 3% of the approximately 90,000 companies in the chemical industry assessed globally by the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings.

The Ecovadis assessment methodology covers management indicators across twenty-one CSR criteria, in four themes - ethics, environment, sustainable procurement and labor and human rights and requires the company participating in the procedure to submit documentation to support its declared data, following an extremely scrupulous assessment procedure.

“We are proud of the significant progress we have made this year. In 2022 we were ranked in the top 5% of companies assessed by Ecovadis, while this year we have been rated in the top 3%, confirming the ongoing commitment of COIM to proposing increasingly sustainable solutions in the chemical industry, on the basis of corporate management that respects the environment, people and places of operation.” Comments Mr. Filippo Severgnini, Regulatory, Quality & Compliance Manager at C.O.I.M S.p.a.

C.O.I.M. S.p.a. press office: Origgi Consulting S.r.l.
Manager: Daniela Origgi
d.origgi@origgiconsulting.it – Mob. (+39) 347 1729113
COIM press office team:
pressoffice@origgiconsulting.it - Tel. (+39) 039 2307137

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